Prof. Robert H. Blick
Semiconductor Physics
We fabricate and apply hybrid nano-structures for integrated nano-bio devices as well as other hybrids, such as topological insulators combined with semiconducting materials or metals.
mail: rblick@chyn.uni-hamburg.de
office: R2.07
Administrative Assistant: Katja Finger
mail: kfinger@chyn.uni-hamburg.de
office: R2.09
phone: +49 (0)40 42838 1975

Prof. Dr. Hansen
Epitaxial Nanostructures
We investigate both the epitaxial growth and the electronic properties of functional semiconductor structures.
mail: hansen@physnet.uni-hamburg.de
office: R2.47
Administrative Assistant: Birgit Stelljes
mail: bstellje@chyn.uni-hamburg.de
office: R2.45
phone: +49 (0)40 42838 1656

Prof. Dr. HUSE
Condensed Phase Dynamics
The Condensed Phase Dynamics Group studies transformations of matter in molecules, nanostructures, and in the solid state by employing a wide range of ultrafast state-of…
mail: nhuse@physnet.uni-hamburg.de
office: R3.17
Administrative Assistant: Stephanie Baer
mail: stephanie.baer@physnet.uni-hamburg.de
office: R3.16
phone: +49 (0)40 42838 1855

Prof. Dr. Parak
The research focus of the AG Biophotonics are nano-and microsystems and their application to neighboring ones areas such as biology, medicine and electronics.
mail: wparak@physnet.uni-hamburg.de
office: R2.41
Administrative Assistant: Petra Roth
mail: roth@physnet.uni-hamburg.de
office: R2.26
phone: +49 (0)40 42838 1595

Prof. Dr. Koziej
Hybrid Nanostructures
The Hybrid Nanostructures Lab was established in August of 2017 at the Institute for Nanostructure and Solid State Physics (INF) of University …
mail: dorota.koziej@physnet.uni-hamburg.de
office: R2.60
Administrative Assistant: Petra Roth
mail: roth@physnet.uni-hamburg.de
office: R2.26
phone: +49 (0)40 42838 1595